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The EU-EAC MARKUP II - is a regional development initiative that promotes economic growth in the East African Community (EAC) through private sector development and export promotion.

It seeks to enhance sustainable and inclusive intra-African trade, pan-African trade, and trade with the European Union (EU).

The project is tailored to the specific needs of each participating country targeting SMEs, sector associations and government institutions to create a more conducive business and export environment for SMEs and strengthen regional integration.

It supports initiatives to address selected supply side constraints and enhance competitiveness. These include reducing market access barriers, strengthening the quality compliance and standards, value addition, certification, training and capacity building for improved market access.

Jointly designed by the European Union (EU), the EAC Secretariat, relevant ministries, and government departments from the EAC partner states, Standard/quality organizations and public institutions, business support organisations and East Africa Business Council (EABC), MARKUP II is implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and funded by the EU under the 11th European Development Fund.

Our partner states

Our interventions are tailored to meet the needs of SMEs, which are onboarded in the programme after an Expression of Interest to ensure commitment and ownership.