The EU-EAC MARKUP II - is a regional development initiative that provides support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the East African Community (EAC) to enhance their export competitiveness, value addition and access to markets.
The project is tailored to the specific needs of each participating country targeting SMEs, sector associations and government institutions with the aim to create a more conducive business and export environment for SMEs and strengthen regional integration. The programme supports initiatives to address selected supply side constraints and enhance competitiveness. These include reducing market access barriers, strengthening the quality compliance and standards, value addition, certification, training and capacity building for improved market access.
The programme supports initiatives to address selected supply side constraints and enhance competitiveness in Coffee, Leather, Packaging and Horticulture (Avocado, French Beans) sectors. These include reducing market access barriers, strengthening the quality compliance and standards, value addition, certification, training and capacity building for improved market access.
2023- 2027
FunderEuropean Union (EU)
EAC Secretariat, relevant Partner States ministries and departments in Rwanda, MSMEs and public/private institutions, research and Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in selected sectors.
- Contribute to economic development in the East African Community through increased sustainable intra-EAC /African and EU-EAC trade.
- Improve livelihoods, employment, export competitiveness for MSMEs
- Promote economic growth in the region through value-addition, processing, diversification, export and investment promotion of priority value chains.
$ 811 millions.
MARKUP II builds capacity of selected local institutions from public and private sector bodies. The programme assigns Performance Coaches who collaborate with Business Support Organisations and technical experts to entrench new innovations and competencies advancing the growing knowledge base across the region.
Good practices and lessons learnt from MARKUP I have informed the approach of MARKUP II. This includes extension of the established network of Quality Champions and emphasis on investment promotion which includes mobilisation of capital to address various needs related to quality compliance, certification, value addition, diversification of products and markets, branding and packaging. MARKUP II mainstreams youth and gender through women and youth entrepreneurship groupings and supports selected regional women/ youth initiatives.
Key Activities:
- Supporting advocacy to remove trade obstacles across selected value chains
- Mapping the import/export processes in the national portals and operationalising new content and functionalities for priority products
- Strengthening border quality and food safety related inspection agencies
- Improving post harvesting and processing including mechanisation services
- Supporting Value Addition and Product Quality Control and Quality Optimisation
- Promoting trade and investment with the EU including, linking both local and European Business Support Organisations (BSOs)
- Scaling-up B2B activities and events, in partnership with BSOs and sector associations backward linkages and export consortia.
- Facilitate trade and investment promotion such as B2B, regional business deals, and promote trade/investment with the EU working with EU Business Support Organizations (BSOs).
Upcoming Events in Rwanda:
5 value chains targeted in Rwanda
For more information, please contact:
National Programme Coordinator MARKUP II
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Republic of Rwanda