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Partner States


The priority products for Burundi under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, avocado, tea and essential oils.


The priority products for Kenya under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, and leather, horticultural products and avocado.


The priority products for Rwanda under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, avocado, french beans, and leather.

South Sudan

The priority products for South Sudan under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, gum arabic, and leather.


The priority products for Tanzania under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, avocado, spices, and leather.


The priority products for Uganda under MARKUP II are packaging, coffee, avocado, cocoa.

Regional Activities

Implement a value chain review mechanism for coffee, avocado and leather to support the development of these value chains and build a shared strategic regional vision on future business trends, key bottlenecks and opportunities and possible policy interventions.
Conduct regional analysis on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) in the EAC to produce recommendations to reduce NTM related hurdles in the region.
Upgrade Portal
Upgrade the regional trade facilitation portal developed under MARKUP I to improve traders’ compliance with trade related laws, regulations, and administrative procedures
Improve the coordination and access to testing and certification services, harmonization of standards, technical regulations and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures as well as the coordination and mutual recognition of conformity assessment to facilitate regional and international exports
Promote quality and safety culture, including through EAC Quality Awards and campaigns, the EAC Quality Portal, and consumer organizations.
Facilitate regional business collaboration deals at MSME as well as at Business Support Organisation level
Network of IPAs
Establish a network of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) to enable collaboration among IPAs for cross learning and to position the region as an attractive investment destination.
EU Trade
Promote trade and investment with the EU including, linking both local and European Business Support Organisations (BSOs)
EAC TPO Network
Establish an EAC Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) network to establish linkages among TPOs to deliver value added regional trade support services and efficient regional trade promotion through exchange of information/good practices, business linkages, pooling of expertise.

In all countries:

  • Support advocacy towards the removal of trade obstacles in the targeted value chains
  • Provide export readiness self-assessment tool for business in compliance with market requirements
  • Provide capacity building on market analysis and trade-related information for BSOs to better support SMEs
  • Provide an export readiness self-assessment tool for business to support compliance with market requirements
  • Strengthen border inspection capacities with customized country interventions
  • Improve and harmonize practices of non-customs border agencies as well as their risk-management practices, for target value chains to optimise border controls and facilitate exports
  • Support MSMEs to enhance their compliance with quality standards, including through Quality Champions Programme and Quality Associations
  • Provide capacity building towards certifications for voluntary sustainability standards (on selected VCs per country)
  • Capacity building in supply chain transparency and traceability
  • Provide packaging capacity building and support the development of dedicated packaging offerings to suit the needs of SMEs as well as the establishment or strengthening of packaging centres to service SMEs
  • Provide financial advisory services for MSMEs including access to investment facilities and online information on financing opportunities
  • Connect MSMEs to markets, including through intra-regional e-commerce, trade fairs, online auctions, backward linkages and/or export consortia.